Soul Mate

Wisdom & Truth, God's

To aspire to the providence of God requires as pure an occupation as mere mortals might hope for. As society approaches endtime scenarios we can't be too careful not to jeopardize godly providence. Without it, finite humanity can't be full of God's Holy Spirit, so therefore can't attain the infinite Words of life, ie solutions to large scale entropy. God alone charts the paths of Life-Sustaining-Systems.html, so we don't want to fake it until we make it (in humanity's frankenstein ways). We must become God's message to humanity, living biblically true epistles. If we grieve God's Holy Spirit then we sacrifice infinite Words of life, God's providence. Wisdom & Truth are God's infinite personality, so grieving God's Holy Spirit progressively divorces us from *infinite* Wisdom & Truth.
John 7:38-39
"He who believes [whole counsel "authentic faith of root and fruit" and Life-Sustaining-Systems] in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water."
But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive [again, whole counsel "authentic faith of root and fruit" and Life-Sustaining-Systems]; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.

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