Conservative Soul-Mate

( free_ebooks/ the_calvinism_debate.php
This book details concerns with the amillennial view. )

Soul searching and responses require a careful review of this topic. Any who can shed light on the topic, over coming weeks or more, of freewill vs predestination, Calvinism vs Arminan views would be welcome. Controversy at times is found to have a case for truth being somewhere down the middle, between rote learned thinking versus circumcision of our hearts & minds. I need to review the above book to see if that applies here. Due to a controversial case for obedience to the faith in a loveless way, and a competing view of love being like Prov 31:10-31 where love is demonstrated by actions, eg freewill offerings, we need to dissect the relevant thinking to see whether the truth is somewhere down the middle.

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